Pours like used motor oil fresh from a diesel engine. Oily dark like squid ink with a one finger, stubborn, nut-brown head. This beer is intense. Completely opaque, it leaves little lacing down the glass.
Smell is mouthwatering. Bittersweet chocolate, coffee. Smells slightly of dark, savory bread, like rye. Rich and full, with a slight alcohol tinge.
Flavor is rich and deep. Tastes like fresh brewed espresso, slight soy sauce, and dark bittersweet chocolate. Alcohol is present on the aftertaste, leaving a warming flash down the back of the throat. Slight molasses as well.
Mouthfeel is thick. Coats the tongue thoroughly like a base coat of delicious paint.
This beer is Christ-punchingly delicious (noticing a Sunday theme here?). Its a hefty fucker, weighing in at 10% ABV, but its all flavor and no burn. An opulent beer in a not-so-opulent container. Oskar Blues is probably my second favorite "Beer In A Can" company. I say second because, even though they utilize more styles that I prefer (Old Chub being a personal favorite), I like Sly Fox better because, if I'm drinking beer from a can, I don't want a damn punch in the face beer, I want a smooth drinking, lighter ale or lager. Not a no-holds-barred fight with a canned Russian or Scotsman. Their other offerings, the Pale Ale and Strong Ale (Gordon's) are excellent as well, but I'd stay away from their Pils. Pikeland Pils is significantly better and true to pilsner form, while the Mamma's Little Yellow Pils are a bastardization of the style. And that's putting it lightly.
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