Pours a dark, deep brown the color of Hershey's Syrup. Opaque with a two finger head that dissipates relatively quickly, with no apparent lacing.
Smell is deep roasted but sweet malts, coffee, chocolate. It smells kind of like a mocha with slight cracker and fresh baked, dark bread hints.
Taste is quite palatable. A rich, traditional stout flavor reminiscent of crispy toast, dark chocolate and espresso, with a sweet creaminess. Its not heavy and robust, but a nice smooth, easy to drink stout with slightly higher carbonation than I'm used to. One of my friends referred to it as "like seltzer" but he just started drinking last week. I'll fix that though.
More coming soon (including some stronger stuff). I'm feeling a gin and tonic weekend and I've got a Sam Adams Summer Sampler to work through so I can start homebrewing. First up is an IPA that I desperately need to find hops and a better yeast for because I don't trust this kit. Something tells me it won't be a decent IPA unless its dry hopped with dry malt substitute for corn sugar.
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