Pours a honey/wheat color with a very thick, pearly white, three finger head. Looks thick and dense due to the fact that its nearly impossible to see through. Heavy lacing all the way down the glass with a head retention that's borderline forever.
Smells of very light soap (probably the glass) and thick, satisfying malt. Has a yeasty, rising dough smell to it too. Little to no hop influence in the aroma.
Taste is incredible. Sweet, but not cloyingly so. Alcohol is apparent, but not overpowering, rather is a nice warmness on the finish. Malt heavy with that yeasty/baked bread taste. Maybe a light citrus as well. No hops as far as I can tell
Mouthfeel is as thick and rich as the appearance. Slightly syrupy with medium carbonation.
This beer was quite drinkable. The sweetness was intense, but not overpowering. Despite its 9% ABV, it was easy as hell to drink with only a minor alcoholic warmth on the back end. It isn't something that I could drink day in and day out, one after another. Its a nightcap beer, really. One of these before bed would put me to sleep with some pretty sweet dreams. Probably about fighting zombie hordes. Those are always good ones.
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