Saturday, January 30, 2010

Magic Hat Howl - Saturday, Jan. 30th

Been awhile since I've done an alcohol review. I'm slacking! I've had this in the fridge for awhile and I decided to pop it. I've always been a big fan of Magic Hat beers. They're easily accessible, highly quaffable, and they tend to push the boundaries of most micro macros, or large scale craft brews. One of my favorite beers by them was the Fat Angel who was ungracefully retired a few years ago. Not only was it a delicious APA (American Pale Ale) but the label glowed under blacklights to boot. Perfect for a freshman dorm room. As an engineer, multitask objects are always of high preference. Like buying a bottle of Willy Nelson's bourbon . Not only is it bourbon to quaff but it has a guitar pick on it! Woohoo! Yeah. Here's the review:

Pours a deep brown, almost black with a finger of off-white head. Beer is very opaque. Almost looks like cola. Moderate lacing down the glass as I drained it.

Smell is pretty non-complex. Some dark roast malt and malty sweetness. Little bit of brininess. Dark cherry/plum. Espresso. Hops are floral, not citrus and also fairly light.

Taste is actually respectable. A dark lager; it has a coffee thing going for it. Quick blast of honey and flowery hops that recedes into a sugary malt finish. Honey and orange(?) predominant. Reminds me of a traditional Italian espresso. Brewed strong and acidic with a twist of citrus peel in it. pretty good. Not quite stout-y but more full bodied than a standard lager. Imagine mixing a pils with a stout but not as crude as that. Ooo, and it's only 4.6% ABV. Definitely a sessionable beer if it wasn't a Winter Seasonal. Ah well. It's not complex but it's a casual sipper for a winter's night when something more robust is in order.

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