Pours a deep brown, almost black with a finger of off-white head. Beer is very opaque. Almost looks like cola. Moderate lacing down the glass as I drained it.
Smell is pretty non-complex. Some dark roast malt and malty sweetness. Little bit of brininess. Dark cherry/plum. Espresso. Hops are floral, not citrus and also fairly light.
Taste is actually respectable. A dark lager; it has a coffee thing going for it. Quick blast of honey and flowery hops that recedes into a sugary malt finish. Honey and orange(?) predominant. Reminds me of a traditional Italian espresso. Brewed strong and acidic with a twist of citrus peel in it.
This...is pretty good. Not quite stout-y but more full bodied than a standard lager. Imagine mixing a pils with a stout but not as crude as that. Ooo, and it's only 4.6% ABV. Definitely a sessionable beer if it wasn't a Winter Seasonal. Ah well. It's not complex but it's a casual sipper for a winter's night when something more robust is in order.
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